Date: Sun, 17 Apr 2011 10:55:31 -0400
From: John Graybeal
Subject: Chairman Bock and Streamlining
Although he claims it never occurred to him that anyone would be confused, Chairman Bock wrote to explain what he meant by “streamlining.” But his “explanation” produces more confusion: (1) “streamlining” is “just continual improvement” but (2) streamlining and improvement can be “at odds with each other” and, when that happens, (3) “improvement” wins. Any questions?
Unfortunately, the clarity that emerges from Bock’s explanation is that “streamlining” occurs when the Chatham County Commissioners reject services that benefit citizens or actions that protect them. This partial list shows that, so far, “streamlining” has (1) killed the bus to Chapel Hill, (2) and the bookmobile, (3) and the LEED certification program for public structures, and (4) approved the Cary/Apex pipeline through 8+ miles of Chatham County. Streamlining yet to come is expected to weaken the soil and erosion control ordinance, reduce stream buffers, remove the Environmental Review Board from project reviews and delete the requirement for an Environmental Impact Assessment on certain non-residential properties.
Despite all of that, maybe we can hope that streamlining will sometimes assure “continual improvement” and that “improvement” will sometimes trump streamlining.