Date: Mon, 28 Mar 2011 11:32:43 -0400
From: Daphne Hill
Subject: Hummers and Honest Garage
In response to Monday’s Chatlist: Doug’s Automotive in Pittsboro has been providing excellent, dependable service for my family’s 3 vehicles ever since he moved in to the old May’s Tire and Auto Shop. The shop is located on Hwy 15-501 S. just before the stoplight at Moncure Rd.
Hummers come when the first Columbine blooms appear. The blooms appeared this weekend, so the hummers should be here any time. With the expected frost tonight I hope folks will get those feeders out for the early birds! They’ll be tired and hungry after that long flight, and they return to the same feeders that gave them nectar last year.
Once we begin to invite them to our yards it becomes a bit of a responsibility to meet their expectations of a good meal when they arrive.
And remember, no food coloring is needed, just 1 cup of sugar dissolved in 1 quart of cooled, boiled water.
Daphne Hill