Date: Fri, 18 Feb 2011 03:17:56 -0500 From: djsmith Subject: Speak My Mind After attending the meeting tonight I felt compelled to express my feeling about the meeting.  This proposal to reconfigure our schools has caused more harm and ill-feeling between the schools in Chatham County than anything I haveContinue Reading

Date: Thu, 17 Feb 2011 14:34:39 -0500 From: Molly Matlock Subject: ChathamArts Announces Upcoming Classes Arts makes you smART! Check out the latest research on “Learning, Arts, and the Brain” from John Hopkins at ChathamArts is here for you with our arts-in-education school programs & our new line-up ofContinue Reading

Date: Thu, 17 Feb 2011 18:28:18 -0500 From: Sally Kost Subject: In Support of Deb McManus Deb McManus continues to want what is best for all children in Chatham County.  As a commissioner I have worked alongside her on many issues, and I have found her to be a compassionateContinue Reading