Moncure Fire Dept Ladies Auxiliary seeking vendors for Health Fair

Date: Tue, 15 Feb 2011 12:24:46 -0500
From: Jennifer Shi
Subject: Moncure Fire Dept Ladies Auxiliary seeking vendors for Health Fair,  March 19th

The Moncure Fire Dept Ladies Auxiliary is holding their annual Health Fair/Eye Screening/Blood Drive on Saturday, March 19th, from 9am – 1pm, at the Moncure Fire Department.  We are currently registering vendors to participate.  If you are an individual or business that provides health-related services and could benefit the health & well-being of the Moncure community, please consider participating in our event.  
If you are interested, please contact Jennifer Shi at
The Ladies Auxiliary of the Moncure Fire Dept is a non-profit organization, established in 1968 to support our Fire Fighters and local community.  Some of our community services include hosting an annual Blood Drive/Eye Screening/Health Fair, educating the community in fire safety including presenting and providing educational materials to the Moncure School children, donating items and money to families who are burned out of their homes, providing food for families in need during the holidays, adopting a family at Christmas, providing shut-ins with necessities, supporting the local food bank, donating money to the Fallen Firefighter program, and supporting Relay for Life.