Date: Tue, 15 Feb 2011 09:01:55 EST
From: Kattorney
Subject: Re: Who me? Tom, Karen
This is a perfect example of fear mongering and spreading false information. This email is so full of cr*p that it deserves no consideration. Sad, since the “ghost” and I are on the same side of the redistricting issue. Teacher morale (not moral) (although I think their morals are ok too) is very good in Chatham County.
All expenditures in this district are overseen by Susan Little, the best financial custodian you could ever imagine. Believe me, with the school district’s finances in her hands we are in very good shape. She alone has saved this district hundreds of thousands of dollars. Nothing gets past her, she would never allow a frivolous expenditure to go unquestioned, and your allegations are baseless and paranoid. Likewise, no teacher has had a career ended or quit under pressure unless it was well earned and deserved. Certainly not for “rocking the boat.”
The board oversees all such actions and takes them very seriously. And your claims that you are really “many linked together” is bogus. If there is such a group of you then make yourselves known publicly. Otherwise, your views will get no credence.
Kathie Russell