Chatham County School reconfiguration

Date: Mon, 14 Feb 2011 12:09:44 EST
From: Kathie Russell
Subject: School reconfiguration

The negative postings about Mr. Logan and the accusations need to  stop! 

If you wish to oppose the redistricting plan, please by all means do  so, but please do so in a reasonable, intelligent manner.  Hiding behind  pseudonyms and allegations that border on hysteria are NOT helpful and will NOT  persuade the BOE to see your side of things.  When you make untrue and  irrational arguments, people tend to disregard everything else you say  too.  What you need to do is get the REAL facts and present them logically  and rationally.  Proposing witch hunts and throwing Logan out of office  because he proposed this plan is misguided and wrong, but most importantly, it  does not focus on the issue at hand.  If you want to solve the problem,  focus on the ISSUE.
And sticking to the ISSUE means not bringing in other issues that are not  relevant.  For example, quit making threats about Pollard School.  

Yes, it is the most modern and best equipped school in the district.  Of  course it is.  It was just built.  How could it be otherwise?   Are you suggesting we should have built a school that is below the standard for  today’s schools? 
How ridiculous!  The school was not an  extravagance.  It was built to today’s standards, for a reasonable budget  for school construction.  And the next school that is built will be built  to the most up to date standards and it will eclipse Pollard.  Such is the  nature of things.  Pollard is a fine school and we should be referencing it  as a point of pride, not derision. 

Further, Pollard was planned, approved,  and begun before there was any budget crisis.  School financing is a hugely  complex matter and you cannot second guess decisions that were made four years  ago in light of today’s economy.  Please people, think about it and  understand what you are talking about.  Stick to the issues and don’t muddy  the waters with threats and arguments that only make you appear ignorant –  bringing up Pollard in this context has no relevance at all and is not in any  way helpful to what we are trying to achieve right now.  Argue what is  relevant!
Having said that, I am in total opposition of the redistricting plan.   I think the budget savings argument is ill-reasoned and the cost benefit  analysis falls clearly on the side of keeping the current K-8 configurations in  place.  One of the arguments put forth by Logan is that middle schools can  provide more benefits such as more variety of course offerings,  extracurriculars, sports, etc.  This is a valid argument and one he makes  because he CARES ABOUT YOUR KIDS, not because he is part of any sort of  conspiracy or wants to hurt anyone or is out to get you.  And, he makes a  valid point. 

Realize that, accept it – it is true.  Your job,  however, if you oppose this, is to make him understand that there are things  that are more important to us and our kids than what he perceives is the  most important thing – because we don’t care about the added benefits of move  varied classes, better sports, etc.  What we care about, and hold above all  else and find much more value in than any of these other things, is the value in  our community school.  I could list all of the benefits and all of the  things that are important and make this a true statement, but you already know  what they are. 

Make the BOE and Logan understand that these things are way  more valuable and important than offering more classes or more sports!  And  these things are important enough that, even if this move saves some money,  there is another move that will save money equally in exchange for giving up  something of much less value.  And another thing to remind them of is that  our district is entirely unique.  There is a normal rational thought  process that says to standardize schools in a district – i.e., make them all K-8  or make them all on a middle school model.  However, that rationale does  NOT apply to Chatham because of our unique geographic make up.  We are  really like at least two, and actually more like four, separate and distinct  districts.  The northeast affluence, the northwest with the large Hispanic  popluations, the southwest rural/agricultural and the southeast historically  black/middle class. 

The same challenges in running this district, which  Logan and the BOE are very aware of, are the same reasons to resist  standardizing.  It is not even possible to standardize such a diverse  county – so why should they have the same middle school model?  They  shouldn’t , and the BOE shouldn’t even try.  It’s futile and it makes no  sense.  Make them realize this!  And because the value in our K-8  schools is HUGE and irreplaceable – now you must make Logan and the BOE see  that.  Tell them in your own words, passionately and forcefully, and  without stooping to personal insults or calling for the ouster of the  superintendent!  Talk about throwing the baby out with the bathwater –  Logan is the best thing that ever happened to Chatham County Schools and take  that into account in your reasoning.  Please, let’s let the guy make a  mistake – he is not all knowing – and now let’s help him correct it.
Logan has stated that parents are the most crucial partners in a school  district.  So let’s all act like what we are – adults, parents, crucial  partners in the schools.  If we proceed accordingly, he will come to see  the error of his ways, and if he doesn’t, the BOE will and they will overrule  him.  I do have faith in this but only if the parents start acting like  intelligent, rational, crucial partners.  Stick to the facts at hand and  show them why this is a wrong move!
Logan and the BOE are doing what they should do.  They are seeking  ways to balance the budget.  Everyone needs to understand how very, very,  difficult this job is at this moment.  The last two years I served on the  BOE we had to make very difficult cuts and we cut everything we could while  trying to preserve a good education for our kids.  The straight truth is  that the cuts have to be made, and that is coming from the federal budget and  the state budget.  Blaming Logan for that is sadly misguided.  He and  the BOE are doing the best they can under the circumstances.  The cuts they  have to make now are going to hurt our district and our children no matter what  they decide.  They are in a no-win situation, as we all are in the current  economy.  Please keep this in mind when making your comments.  You  have to show them that the current K-8 configuration is SO valuable (and I  really believe that is true) that the cuts need to come elsewhere.  If you  really believe also that this is true, look deep and you will find the right  words to oppose this move.  And you will find those words without having to  resort to threatening lawsuits against Logan, or accusing anyone of having some  grand plan that is bad for our kids, or griping about the new school, or any  other such ridiculous theory.  If we all just realize that we all want the  same thing in the end, and realize that it is up to us to show Logan and the BOE  what is best for the students and what the parent partners need to see happen,  then we will find the right words and the right way to go about this. 

If  the ridiculous posts don’t stop you are hurting, not  helping,  the cause.  Intelligent, well informed posts should continue, like the  ones I have seen coming from Moncure parents and some others.  Nobody is  going to give any credibility to your opinions if you persist in these  ridiculous posts.  Please – help Logan and the BOE to make the right  decision, and help us help them do that –  don’t hurt us.
Kathie Russell

1 Comment

  1. Misguided? “When you make untrue and irrational arguments, people tend to disregard everything else you say too. ”

    1st; Logan hasn’t said the same thing twice regarding the proposed “savings” nor has he answered a direct question. None of his numbers match from one discussion to the next.

    2nd; if Logan/BOE doesn’t like the common sense approach that the parents at large are demanding (and rightfully so) from them; then they should maybe they should move up north where sense isn’t quite so “common”.

    ALL we have asked are the plain black & white numbers to explain exactly what he proposes. Why is it better to spend several MILLION dollars to try and save less than 500K? He spouts parts of articles and studies on which his highly educated opinions are based, but when those same articles are presented in their entirety resulting in direct opposition of his previous statements he then disregards the articles that HE originally presented.

    I guess anybody can get into John’s Hopkins and Columbia nowadays and publish anything they want using them as a reference?

    Are we hurt? Are we pissed? Are we a little worried about the outcome of this “debate” as he calls it? YOU BET WE ARE!

    How many on the board actually have children in this school system? How many actually grew up in the communities that they plan to tear apart? Saving Art teachers at the expense of real educational teachers? That just goes to show the collective total lack of common sense in Pittsboro.

    Singing the national anthem isn’t a prerequisite to graduating from high school; reading, writing & math…. but at least we can look on the bright side…

    Look where Mr. Logan is sitting today! Obviously his lack of math skills haven’t hurt him yet.

    But that’s the bottom line. You can’t propose such a global change, and yes, I said “global”… because this affects our whole world: OUR CHILDREN! You can’t propose such a change in one month and then expect an answer not two months later; even if his numbers did add up.

    You can’t run a home based on split second decisions and undocumented bank balances. The BOE/Mr. Logan shouldn’t expect to run our education system like that either.

    My name is Danielle Cockrum and I DIDN’T hide behind a pseudo-name. I’m proud to be a FOURTH generation Silk Hope Eagle and member of the Silk Hope Community!

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