Galloway Ridge Charitable Fund Campaign

Date: Mon, 14 Feb 2011 10:25:58 -0500
From: Pat Richardson
Subject: Galloway Ridge Charitable Fund Campaign

The Galloway Ridge Charitable Fund just launched its “Love Your Neighbor Campaign”  in February offering the community the opportunity to make a donation to support its mission of social accountability in Chatham County. The Galloway Ridge Charitable Fund is responsible for providing assistance in three key areas:

The Community Fund – to provide for projects of benefit to the Chatham County community
The Employee Scholarship Fund – to provide continuing education support to Galloway Ridge staff
The Resident’s Reserve Fund – to provide for residents with unexpected needs

Interested in making a donation in memory of a loved one, gifts of stock, matching funds from employers, pledge challenges or your annual contribution, please contact Pat Richardson at 919-642-6893 or

Pat Richardson
Community and Public Relations Coordinator
“Distinctive Retirement Living”

Galloway Ridge, Inc.
3000 Galloway Ridge Road
Pittsboro, NC  27312
Direct Dial: (919) 642-6893
Fax: (919) 545-2220
Toll-Free: (888) 763-9600