Parking at Lowes in Pittsboro

Date: Sat, 25 Sep 2010 15:40:42 -0700 (PDT)
From: Billy Thornton
Subject: Lowes parking

Do you know what Joe’s lawn care,  Dillon construction, Kenneth’s home maintenance, Stambach heating & air, Chapel Hill Construction and some county  employees have in common. They like to clog up the loading zone at Lowes while they take their time shopping for what they want. I have been to Lowes quite often in the last two weeks and they are just a few of the inconsiderate drivers that tie up the loading area while they take their time shopping in the store. The loading zone is for you to pick up what you have bought and not for shopping.

It just goes to show you that you don’t have to know how to read to get a lisence in this state. If you did they could read LOADING ZONE on the signs posted. I get tired of having to wait until the scumbags come out and leave to load my material or push it out into the parking lot. Hey dummies the loading zone is for you to pick up your material. You need to park in the parking lot while you shop.