Fan of the First Amendment

Date: Mon, 23 Aug 2010 22:25:05 -0400 (EDT)
From: lacooper
Subject: Re: Ban The Bunky

Roger, Roger, Roger, ok, obviously you are not a fan of Bunkey. And, sadly, you apparently are not a fan of the First Amendment – the right to Free Speech. Would it make you happy to have the Chat List only post the “chats” you agree with?

Now, before you start jumping up and down, note: I have not said I am – or am not – a fan of Bunky. Read my message carefully – you will not find my political opinion anywhere. However, I am a Pro First Amendment Advocate, whether I like what is said or not. And I am a Libra. I like reading all opinions, listening to all sides of each

argument, then after weighing everything, I like making an informed decision. So – Chat On Bunky! And Chat on all you Anti-Bunkys. Give me the info and both sides.

Linda Allred Cooper