Date: Thu, 15 Jul 2010 16:41:49 -0400 (EDT)
From: doug berg
Subject: Immigrants report crime, too
A writer suggests that the Chatham leadership does not question immigration status out of a belief in some right to immigrate “undodumentedly.” (July 14, post #15) I would imagine, however, the real reason is a bit more mundane and a lot more pragmatic. Here on the local level, keeping people within the boundaries of the law requires as many residents as possible to be willing to “call the law” when they see something going on that should not be. If you get law enforcment involved in checking status, and at the same time you are driving a large demographic group into the shadows, well, I think you’d see crime starting to increase.
Imigration is such a tough topic these days. Our curent laws are to say the least out dated and overly cumbersome. They are in desperate need of overhaul. With that said they happen to be the current law of the land. What is wrong with enforceing the law? While we are cherry picking what laws to enforce, how about I decide the current tax law is prejudicial and unfair. How many folks are going to champion that cause? Will the Federal Gov. let me slip on by? Not very likely.