Date: Thu, 10 Jun 2010 15:02:06 -0400 From: Sarah Carr Subject: Habitat post clarification Chatlisters, It has come to my attention that there is another Sarah Carr who also lives in this community.  I am not the Sarah Carr, bookseller, wife of Steve, etc.  I am a family law attorneyContinue Reading

Date: Thu, 10 Jun 2010 11:42:04 -0400 From: JUNE Subject: Habitat for Humanity profiling Sarah, I say well done to Mr. Williams for speaking up.  I don’t recall anyspecifications in his posting about “brown  skin”.   This one simple statement is all that matters…”illegal alien”.   Self explanatory.illegal. It doesn’t matter whatContinue Reading

Date: Thu, 10 Jun 2010 09:29:12 -0400 (GMT-04:00) From: Allison Weakley Subject: trifoliate orange I concur with Al and Sam that trifoliate orange is an invasive plant in Chatham County.  This species (Poncirus trifoliata, aka Citrus trifoliata) has invaded floodplains along Robeson Creek in Pittsboro (where it forms dense thickets),Continue Reading