Congratulations should go to all of us for this

Date: Wed, 14 Apr 2010 09:28:51 -0400
From: Jeff Lane
Subject: Congratulations should go to all of us for this

> ——————– ——————–
> Date: Tue, 13 Apr 2010 08:55:25 -0400
> From: Lesley Landis <>
> Subject: The Chatham County Arts Council
> I second Lee Pollard’s call for congratulations to Gene Galin on the
> ocassion of the Chatlist reaching 3200 subscribers. I’m a dedicated reader
> and contributor and am grateful for the Chatlist everyday.

I’d like to point out that at least equal, if not more,
congratulations should go to all of us for this.  Gene does an amazing
job maintaining this mess (and what a great mess it is) and certainly
deserves heaps of praise for running, maintaining and providing this
online town hall, or market square, or bar room, or however you view

However, I think congratulations are also in order and well deserved
for each and every member of this list, both current and future.
Without the wide variety of opinion, knowledge and experience that
each member brings to this, our little online Chatham County, the list
would never have reached this kind of success.

Think how many times you’ve gotten help or an answer to a question, or
bought or sold or bartered for something here.  Think how many people
in need have been helped by people like Mark, who, despite being of
humble means still manages to do what he can to help out his neighbors
and others in need.  Or Lee Pollard, who donates computers to needy
families so that their children will have a better chance at a
prosperous future,  Or any of the other many selfless acts that are
carried out here almost daily.

I’d even say think of the entertainment value you get during Chatham
election seasons and during other times of … debate 😉

The point is, I think we ALL should be proud of this list, and what’s
been accomplished.  And we should all congratulate each other for
bringing something different to the group, and making this the dynamic
environment it has been and will continue to be.
