Chatham’s First Annual Wheelchair Relay

Date: Thu, 22 Apr 2010 09:40:00 -0700 (PDT)
From: Holly Rickman
Subject: Here’s your chance to be a part of something New and Innovatiove: Chatham’s First Annual Wheelchair Relay!!

Ok Folks,

We are bringing Chatham forth in Awareness and Education in the area of persons w/ “special needs”. One way we are doing this is by having our First Annual Wheelchair Relay in June the 26th  at Jordan Matthews High school from 7:30am-2pm (approx.)

This endeavor has been greatly blessed so far and can only lend that knowledge to the great compassionate people of Chatham County!! Hallelujah!!

We will have great musicians, entertainment for the kids, awareness activities, tasty local food, and vendors as well as our events of course.

**All information vendors that are involved w/ persons w/ need’s can set up FREE. We still have availability however for local artisans, and other persons to sell their goods. We are offering space at very low rate of $25.00 for the day (donation) and an item to raffle that will help support this endeavor in the future.. Please get up w/ Carla Finlay as soon as possible to reserve your area and to get information about this event. You do not want to miss this!!
Contact info: or

** We also still have a few more wheelchairs available for local churches, businesses, individuals to purchase! The day of the event the wheelchairs will be donated to Joni & You buy the chair (cost is $240.00; includes chair, tee, and reg fee), you compete in the event or we can allocate someone too. You get GREAT advertising and an oppurtunity to be community oriented while receiving a great TAX DEDUCTION!! How much more win/win can you get than that!!

Thank you to all who have supported already. We are getting really excited for June 26th!!

Bless you all!!

Holly Rickman
Project Proud Families, Inc.