Workday at the Carolina Living and Learning Center

Date: Fri, 16 Apr 2010 08:03:35 -0400
From: Erin Bevier
Subject: Workday at the Carolina Living and Learning Center

The Carolina Living and Learning Center is looking for volunteers for our first Outdoor Workday on Saturday, May 15 from 10:00 a.m. until 2:00 p.m.  Projects may include: painting fences, redoing bushes, clearing brush and shrubs, and other similar outdoor and landscaping projects.  We will meet at the Carolina Living and Learning Center

Multipurpose Building at 10:00 to assign projects.  Water and juice will be provided.  Please bring a bag lunch.  Some tools will be provided, but please bring the following if you can: chainsaws, hedge trimmers, tree pruners/clippers, stump grinders/ cutters, paintbrushes.

We are located at 325 Russet Run, across the street from Northwood High School.  To volunteer, or for more information, please contact Erin Bevier at or call the Carolina Living and Learning Center at (919) 542-1910.  Thank you!