Chatham County Public Health Department starts new blog

Date: Fri, 19 Mar 2010 12:11:18 -0400
From: Marissa Jelks
Subject: Health Department Starts New Blog

The Chatham County Public Health Department has a new blog. This has a different look and name. The new blog address is The purpose of the blog is to open up communication with the public.

The blog will feature information on health department programs, events, and general public health news. The health department would like to hear from you. So please stop by and let us know what you think about the blog and what the health department is doing.

For further questions, please contact Marissa Jelks at 545-8517 or<>

Marissa Jelks, MPH
Communications Specialist
Chatham County Public Health Department
PO Box 130/ 109 Camp Street
Pittsboro, NC 27312
(919) 545-8517 (phone)
(919) 542-5521 (fax)