Vicious patrons of Pittsboro General Store Cafe

Date: Sun, 21 Feb 2010 13:47:40 -0500
From: Henry Blair Jr.
Subject: Vicious patrons of General Store Cafe

First, I have never eaten at the General Store Cafe.  No reason, I have just never had the opportunity.

For the last few years, I have noticed a pattern on the Chatlist.  If someone writes about a negative experience at this restaurant, they are personally attacked for sharing their experience.  Those who defend the General Store Cafe, never give details of why they like to eat there.  They just indicate their general positive feelings for the cafe and then attack
the person sharing their specific negative experience as being incompetent in resolving their issues with poor service, poor food, etc.

Come to think about it, I doubt I will ever eat in this restaurant.  The people who do seem to enjoy it, and express their opinions against those who do not on the Chatlist, are not the kind with which I like to hang out.
