Date: Wed, 28 Oct 2009 20:32:30 -0400 From: Gene Gallin Subject: Get your political endorsements in Election day is Tuesday, November 3rd. Everyone is reminded to get their political endorsements in for their favorite Pittsboro, Siler City and Goldston candidates in by Monday. If you feel a candidate is notContinue Reading

Date: Wed, 28 Oct 2009 08:51:50 -0400 From: mary51802 Subject: Hunting issues… We live on Eddie Perry Road off Russells Chapel and as usual when hunting season starts we have seen carcass dumps on our road. We hope getting word out will stop this as it is a residential areaContinue Reading

Date: Wed, 28 Oct 2009 06:54:45 -0400 From: Randy Subject: Independent Weekly Reporter Harasses a Pittsboro Voter? Excerpt from a letter submitted to the Pittsboro Town board and that appeared in whole at,15671.15.html – 10/26/2009 “Mayor, Commissioners, Town Manager, Attorney, Clerk, and residents, my name is Faythe Canson Clark,Continue Reading

Date: Wed, 14 Oct 2009 15:39:19 -0400 From: Parent-Teacher Fellowship Subject: Haw River Christian Academy link codes Hi Gene, Thank you for the reminder that people need to re-link their shopping cards every year. Haw River Christian Academy is also set up with the corporations you mentioned if anyone outContinue Reading

Date: Wed, 14 Oct 2009 13:15:54 -0400 From: Laura Young Subject: mass transit Whenever a debate about funding mass transit comes up, there are many who do not want to spend the money because the numbers do not justify the expense.  I would hope that we consider the monetary costContinue Reading

Date: Wed, 14 Oct 2009 12:49:59 +0000 From: Stephanie Peterson Subject: Pittsboro Bus I would like to thank Randy Voller, Chatham County Commissioners, Chapel Hill Transit, and everyone else responsible for the Pittsboro bus to Chapel Hill.  I ride this bus every day and am happy to say that theContinue Reading

Date: Tue, 13 Oct 2009 13:13:52 -0400 (EDT) From: Linda Allred Cooper Subject: The Bus I am lovin all the bus comments – pro and con.  Stimulating, entertaining, and constructive conversation is my goal. Randy (not Voller), thanks for asking about my son’s racing career (although, you sly thing, youContinue Reading

Date: Tue, 13 Oct 2009 10:41:34 -0400 From: Reece Elizabeth Subject: Door Doctor For anyone out there with troubling doors, we wanted to recommend The  Door Doctor, Robert Sprenger. He came out and fixed numerous problems we had with  exterior doors that were sticking and hard to open,  interior closetContinue Reading