Date: Sat, 6 Jun 2009 10:53:52 -0400
From: Mark Stinson
Subject: question?
Can anyone tell me where I can go to see how the lottery money is dispersed?
I saw a commercial where they collected 1 billion dollars so far. I also hear and it may or may nor be correct that the governor grabbed some of that money for the state debt. My understanding was that money and lottery program was earmarked education only.
How can they redirect the money from that program when its for education only to pay for non educational expenses? I have heard many teachers state they haven’t seen any of that money yet. Where is it going? If they have raised so much money, why are teachers and educational expenditures being cut?
I have another question , I overheard a conversation where someone involved with a contractor stated there were $600,000 worth of cosmetic improvements being made to the governors mansion. If money is so tight and we are being forced to consider new taxes and a higher gas tax then why are we spending $600,000 on cosmetic improvements on the governors mansion. I recall there were repairs needed that were important to its structural integrity that were completed while governor Easley was in office because he had to stay elsewhere while the work was completed. The mansion was to my knowledge in generally good condition after the last renovations were complete.
My last question is , If we as citizens are suffering from a bad economy and we have to stop new purchases and major improvements until we get our finances in order ,, why is it right for the state to increase taxes instead of tabling new projects while focusing on maintenance and cutting expenditures? I’m tired of education and social services getting axed ever time the budget gets tight. We have a new bridge going in on 902 and it will improve that part of the road but the existing bridge is still structurally sound enough to last at least 5 more years. That project could have been delayed. Its a small example of putting your priorities right.
I feel contractors have such a grip on Raleigh you wont see any new roads or new bridges be tabled ,, you will see teachers fired and people who already have little get even less. its not right ,, our gas tax isn’t right ,our property values and taxes aren’t right ,and its not right we have to cut back when our government picks n chooses where they cut back if any at all and burn us with even more taxes.
can anyone answer me?
Good nite Mark