Date: Tue, 9 Jun 2009 11:44:17 -0400
From: “Amber Walsh”
Subject: Summer Programs @ Your Local Library
Are you looking for a great way to keep your child reading this summer?
Looking for something to do with the kids during those dog days of summer?
Interested in FREE programs for your child to participate in?
Look no further than your local public library.
There’s so much to see and do this summer!
Chatham Children’s Summer Theater Series
This is a series of children’s performances brought to you by your public libraries and these fine sponsors:
The Friends of the Pittsboro & Goldston Libraries
The Women of Fearrington
The Ladies of Fearrington Arts & Crafts Club
The Chatham Mills Center
Don’t miss these FREE productions at The Chatham Mills Center in Pittsboro.
All shows start at 11:00 am, and are open to children of all ages and abilities.
Rags To Riches June 12th
Paperhand Puppet Intervention June 19th
Bright Star Children’s Theater June 26th
Carolina Puppet Theater August 7th
Come early and learn about our great summer reading programs and visit the Bookmobile.
Seats are filled on a first come first serve basis, doors will open at 10:50am.
Summer Story Time Sessions
Join local volunteers for bi-weekly story time sessions this summer at your local public libraries.
June 8th Goldston Library 11:00 am
June 9th Pittsboro & Wren Libraries 10:30 am
June 22nd Goldston Library 11:00 am
June 23rd Pittsboro & Wren Libraries 10:30 am
July 6th Goldston Library 11:00 am
July 7th Pittsboro & Wren Libraries 10:30 am
July 20th Goldston Library 11:00 am
July 21st Pittsboro & Wren Libraries 10:30 am
August 3rd Goldston Library 11:00 am
August 4th Pittsboro & Wren Libraries 10:30 am
If you or someone you know is interested in becoming a volunteer reader this summer please contact Amber Walsh at
Incentive Game
Everyone can get involved in summer reading fun this summer!
This game is designed for independent readers ages 5-12, and game forms can be downloaded from the library website [ ] or found at your local public library or bookmobile.
Complete eight of the tasks suggested, have a parent sign the entry form, and return it to the library for a prize and entry into our mystery prize drawing held August 14th. Game starts June 15th and ends with the mystery prize drawing August 14th.
Family Express Game
Get the whole family involved with reading fun this summer!
This game is designed for families and their children ages 1-12.
Game forms can be found on the Chatham County Libraries website or at your local public library and bookmobile.
Complete the tasks suggested with your family, sign the form and return it to your local public library for a prize and chance to win the mystery prize at your local library. Program starts June 15th and ends August 14th.
CAMP READ – Be Creative @ Your Library
Time to get your readers ready for our annual statewide summer reading initiative newly named CAMP READ.
This program is designed for rising 1st through 4th graders and is held weekly at your local library during the month of July.
This year our theme is “Be Creative @ Your Library” and we’ll be exploring the worlds of music, art, drama and more.
You don’t want to miss this wonderful opportunity to encourage recreational reading during the summer for your school-aged child.
Each library branch will register 50 participants during the month of June.
Registration forms can be found at your local branch, bookmobile or downloaded from our website [ <> ]. Registration slots will be filled on a first come first serve basis. Registration ends June 30th or until all slots have been filled.
Program begins July 8th and continues weekly until August 7th.
Locations and scheduled days are as follows:
Wren Memorial Library Wednesdays 10-11:30 am
Goldston Memorial Library Thursdays 10-11:30 am
Pittsboro Memorial Library Fridays 10-11:30 am
To find out more information about these and other programs available at your local library, visit us on the web
Thank you for your time & we look forward to seeing you this summer!
Amber Walsh
Youth Program Director
Chatham County Libraries
500 N. 2nd Ave.
Siler City, NC 27314