The Marie Vanderbeck Trio performance calendar

Date: Fri, 10 Jul 2009 17:04:15 -0400
Subject: The Marie Vanderbeck Trio

The Marie Vanderbeck Trio with Marie on vocals, Ken Broun on the piano and Mike Chrzanowski on bass will be performing at:
***The Bean and Barrel on Saturday 7/11 from 7PM to whenever;?

***The General Store Cafe in Pittsboro on Thurs 7/23 from 7 to 9PM;?

***The River House in Ashe County on Sunday from 2 to 4PM?

***The Preserve Club House on Friday 7/31 from 7 to 9PM.?

Stan Levy will join us at the River House and The General Store Cafe on his sweet sax.?

If you’re looking for an evening of smooth and easy music, AND good food, c’mon out and join us.