Frustrated with people who are “meandering” at 40-45 mph in the passing lane

Date: Mon, 15 Jun 2009 07:02:44 -0400
From: Patricia Hurlman
Subject: driving on 15-501

In response to “reckless driving” on 15-501, I also get very frustrated with people who are “meandering” at 40-45 mph in the passing lane while on the phone, talking or singing.

Pay attention!  Drive in the RIGHT lane!!

People need to get back to basics.  Drive on the right side and pass on the left.  Don’t sit in the left lane forcing other drivers to pass you on the right because you are not following the law, paying attention or just don’t care.  That is often what is causing “reckless driving” in my opinion.  And if you happen to be one doing the “speed limit” but are in the left lane and someone is on your tail..  move over.  Its simple.  Don’t be the road guardian.  If they are speeding they will eventually get caught down the road by the many unmarked cars.  If they want to move past you and you won’t move over, then yes they will pass on the inside.

Don’t be the road police, as I tell my kids.  Stay right unless passing!
