Estimate of ten riders on Pittsboro bus is only a minimum

Date: Mon, 18 May 2009 07:54:28 -0400
From: Ann H. Deupree
Subject: Pittsboro Bus Stop

To Tom West,

Sounds like you already have a job and a car to get there.  What if you didn’t?  This proposed bus will offer transportation for people who work in Chapel Hill or along the 15/501 corrider or are seeking employment.  Yes, this is needed especially in this economy.

The request to Pittsboro Commissioners for $24,000 will cover the first 18 months of operation, when we’ll learn the potential for ridership.  This is $1,333/month;  a very small expenditure to offer Pittsboro residents without transportation a chance to reach employment opportunities.

There will be a fare to ride the bus.  The estimate of ten riders is only a minimum;  there will likely be many more riders from Pittsboro and all over Chatham County.  Half of the funding comes from a grant from the state and feds because of the need for public transportation in Chatham County.   Pittsboro and Chatham County must fund the other half of the cost.

Yes, do contact your Pittsboro and Chatham County Commissioners.  Tell them you want to know more about the busline and how we can support this important service for our families who want to work.

Ann Deupree