Wrapping up discussions on the chatlist

Date: Wed, 10 Jun 2009 16:10:59 -0400 (GMT-04:00)
From: doug berg
Subject: Topics shut down

Gene, As I recall, you had to shut down the posts on the Pittsboro traffic circle, and now the Plenty.
Were there others? You should keep a running record since I think it might someday have historic significance when they try to piece together the new ways the news was being disseminated during the last days of the newspaper age.

Doug –

I just plan to hand all the entire chatlist to the UNC Library and let their grad students go at it in the future as they examine what Chatham County was like at the beginning of the 21st century from a citizen’s perspective.

BTW, while we wrap up discussions on the chatlist, folks continue to talk about them on the bulletin board.

If you really want, you can easily find an ongoing discussion about the Plenty on the bulletin board right now.

Gene Galin
Chatlist moderator.
