Date: Wed, 10 Jun 2009 16:57:42 -0400
From: Jeff Lane
Subject: I only wish more parents would take an active part
Thanks for the education Like I said, I was really more wondering than anything, and I stand corrected on some counts. At least technologically related, I understand what you’re saying now.
As for the lack of parental participation, that’s a sad thing indeed. I really don’t have a horse in this race. My only interest stems from the fact that I help pay for those schools, and from the fact that I do teach, though at the community college level, on a part time basis. To make matters worse, for me at least, I teach a computer course, and I am very familiar with technology issues that can arise, even in a classroom dedicated to such endeavors. Sadly, I think that experience has jaded me a bit.
BUT, I digress there… If I had kids (and how I wish I did, we’ve been trying for years now) I would certainly be involved. As someone who has to raise other peoples kids (not full time, mind you, but nephews and god children on occasion) I have a strong desire to see them succeed, and want to make sure they have the tools necessary to do so. As someone who has enough teaching experience to be dangerous, I also want to do everything I can to help ensure the success of my students, both in my class and in their courses of study.
I only wish more parents would take as active a part in their children’s lives as mine did. My parents both worked. One worked 3pm – 11pm and the other worked 7pm – 7am. Despite that, they still made time for my brother and myself, and sacrificed a lot to make sure we had what we needed (thought not always what we wanted). Unfortunately, I grew up with plenty of kids who’s parents were not so interested in their own children’s education as well, and I know how that can affect a child’s future.
Best of luck to you all.
On Wed, Jun 10, 2009 at 15:55, Chatham Chatlist wrote:
Date: Tue, 9 Jun 2009 22:48:38 -0400
From: Mia Munn
Subject: RE: Chatham Chatlist #3439 About BOE Meetings and schools…
I’m pretty sure that the level of technology at a K-4 or K-8 school is different than at a high school, and I think that is appropriate.