Chatham’s Death Swamp

Date: Sun, 26 Apr 2009 12:02:30 -0400
From: Expectations
Subject: Chatham’s Death Swamp

Ever hear of the Great Dismal Swamp? Ever hear of The Swamp of Death? Well, we have one right here in Chatham County – dismal, yes, but there is nothing great about it.

For the past five or six years, I have noticed  a dramatic increase of mosquitoes around my property and home. A week ago, I found the reason why.  Five miles west of Pittsboro, near highway 64, is located a huge man-made, land-locked swamp. Dismal and stagnate, murky and dark. I can only guess the dimensionss- to me, it looks about 300-400 feet wide and even longer. It is evident that this was not always a swamp. Trees standing 20-30 feet tall stand in water- most of them dead.

The location of this man-made swamp could to be on private property or possibly owned by D.O.T. (it is right behind DOT Gravel Storange on hyway 64)- on a dirt road. No one seems to live on the property. The dirt road is DIRECTLY across from the County Landfill Road. The area of the swamp is located  behind the D.O.T. sand and gravel storage.  Come take a look at this swamp. Drive approx. half mile down the dirt road to the bottom of the hill, look to your right.  This swam is less than a mile from Chatham’s Historical House “Aspen Hall”-

Folks, with all the warnings about not allowing water to collect in tin cans, old tires, etc. This swamp is not an accident waiting to happen- it has happened. How in the world could the State of North Carolina and Chatham County  let such a dangerous health situation exist?? OUT OF SITE- OUT OF MIND? It could mean sickness and even death to you or your loved ones. West Nile Virus could lurk here.There are more than enough mosquitoes here for Chatham Chatham county- it could supply all of Noth Carolina.

I did not know to whom and where I should report this swamp.  I know that Chatham County Enviromental Health was notified about it (in writing) last week.  However, I know that there is someone out there, right now reading this., that knows someone in goverment or elsewhere that could speed up the process of having the dangerous mess taken care of. And if you don’t know anyone to contact- at least start making a big fuss about it somewhere- to somebody.  Let’s get the ball rolling. Please, please help do something about it before we all become sick and some of us die.

Click on this link to see a picture of swamp.