Lyme Disease and RMSF are not scare tactics

Date: Thu, 7 May 2009 16:38:52 -0400
From: Simon Lobdell
Subject: Re: Chatham Chatlist #3414


Well it seems very heart felt what is being said here but it is wildly misinformed.  Lyme Disease and RMSF are not scare tactics they are scary and awful and directly related to the population of DEER in town and in this county.  There are more deer now than at any time in history exactly because we don’t hunt.  The herds are out of control and the best deed you could do for the scrawny deer of Chatham county is hunt them… or bring back the wolf and lion that used to control the herds.  Since I doubt parents and dog owners will be at all willing to do this, then please hunt as many deer as you possibly can.

I want to comment on the town council’s role in this.  I was tracking the issue because I very much supported it and spoke at the meeting where they passed this motion.  I read about it, showed up and said my piece.  I was the only one who spoke.  So please don’t be critical unless you are involved.  There were a lot of emails abotu this very thing in the past and I am told that it has come up multiple times as a point of discussion. However, the tick situation in this county has forced their hand so it is time to act.  I for one think it should be taken further.  I think this is a pblic health emergency and Chatham County should have open season and unlimited bag limit on deer (especially doe)  until things come into balance.

Also it is important to note that the only thing that the town council authorized was Bow hunting in town.  The Hunters, if they come at all, and I will give them a free breakfast and high five if they do, will be shooting from stands in the forested area of town in broad daylight.  They won’t be lobbing arrows up into the air willy nilly.  So please Aurora and anyone else who was thinking about it call town council and voice your SUPPORT for hiring expert hunters and recruiting talented hunters to thin the herd.   We could kill every deer in town right now and you wouldn’t notice a bit of difference in the population.  And I will say it, hunting is not dangerous unless you don’t know how to hunt.   Bow hunting is even less dangerous as the arrow isn’t going far at all.  Furthermore, I bet most of the meat taken will be donated to shelters to feed the hungry.  I hate to be snarky but I thought since Aurora is trying to play heart strings, I will too.

I am a devout environmentalist and animal lover but more of the pre-hippy generation, of the Aldo Leopolds and Tom Brown’s of this world.  Hunting is a poor substitute for a balanced ecosystem.  But it is what we got so I for one am calling on everyone to support this and if you own land in town, invite in the hunters, make it possible for them to get a clean kill and thank them for their role in straightening out our screwy ecosystem.

Simon Lobdell