Lemons for Everything!

Date: Tue, 28 Apr 2009 14:57:41 -0400
From: Susan Graham
Subject: Lemons for Everything!

As part of their Junior Chef youth program, Chatham County Center, NC Cooperative Extension will be offering “Lemons for Everything” on Saturday, May 16th, from 10:00 am to 12:30 pm in the teaching lab on the first floor, Agriculture Building, Pittsboro, NC.

There’s a lot more to lemons than just lemonade! Lemons are one of the most under-used fruits available to us.  Mainly used to flavor beverages or as an ingredient in our desserts, lemons can be used in more ways! Come and learn how to use lemons in your everyday lives.  Participants will make fun items such as a lemon facial mask product for Mom, lemon cake and lemon oil.  Limited enrollment of 8-10 youth, so first come, first serve. Registration fee is $8.00 per class (includes all materials) and is NON-REFUNDABLE.  Registration deadline is Thursday, May 14th.   Scholarships are available to youths as applicable.  To register or for additional information regarding the “Junior Chef” program, contact Phyllis Smith, RD, LDN, Family and Consumer Science Extension Agent, email phyllis.smith@chathamnc.org> or phone 919-5423-8202.

Phyllis Smith, RD, LDN
Extension Agent
Family Consumer Science
Chatham County Center
N.C. Cooperative Extension