Pittsboro Teen Center

Date: Sun, 8 Mar 2009 16:01:02 -0400
From: Claire Kane
Subject: Pittsboro Teen Center


I have the legal records and related non-profit paperwork from an entity that was set up a few years back called the Pittsboro Teen Center. I think it would not take much to bring it back to life, and this is why I saved all the files in good order. They live in one of those indestructible portable plastic files waiting for their next use.

Those who conceived of and put the Pittsboro Teen Center together did some good work along the lines of which you speak for the very same reasons. You may even know some of them! [Hey you all, feed free to chime in.]

Anyway, Carol, they shared your concerns and they took action. After school havens were created. Car wash fund raisers were held, amusement park trips were organized and executed, dances were staged and attended by young teens, etc.

I’m sure some on the list remember.

My son was a new young adult when I moved here and living elsewhere. I got involved with PTC to give back. As a teenager, I was helped by an agency that reached out to support teens in special situations. I always wondered what on earth I would have done without that group. It was called Voyage House. It was not around here. They really were heaven sent for me. I am living proof that places like that serve a very valuable function.

I always remembered and held a special place in my heart for teens lacking support. I wanted to give back however I could, wherever I was. Plus I missed my boy! I was one of those parents who actually liked my son’s friends. They were such good kids. It’s hard to be a teenager.

So Pittsboro Teen Center was a worthy recipient of that kind of energy, though it was not a perfect fit by any means. As a newcomer to Pittsboro, I made some good friends there too. Great folks.

Anyway, I honor that need to serve in a different way now and so stand ready to pass the vestiges of the last incarnation of the Pittsboro Teen Center on to its latest heirs…whether that be you or others who have these immediate concerns. Please feel free to email me directly.


Claire Kane