Date: Tue, 3 Mar 2009 21:44:51 -0500 From: HWQueen Subject: Plants that deer do not eat I believe that Sherri posted the following in regard to the recent herd of comments about deer: “plant items that are not deer-friendly.  That is what I do.  Example, never plant hosta as thisContinue Reading

Date: Tue, 3 Mar 2009 10:15:46 -0800 (PST) From: Kit Donner Subject: Pittsboro Officer B Hadley Folks – I wasn’t there when Officer B Hadley stopped a speeder who later wrote to the chatlist to complain about Officer B Hadley. I don’t know, and neither do any of us, whetherContinue Reading

Date: Tue, 3 Mar 2009 09:04:22 -0500 (GMT-05:00) From: Denise Dunn Subject: Lawn & Garden Show The Siler City Merchants Association will be hosting a Lawn & Garden Show on Saturday, May 2.  We will be celebrating the opening of the Siler City Farmer’s Market.  You are invited to participateContinue Reading

Date: Tue, 3 Mar 2009 08:57:57 -0500 From: Al Cooke Subject: Things to Do in the Garden Now Things to Do in the Garden Now You don’t have to wait until Good Friday to plant your garden.  In February, you might have been planting cabbage, carrots, and onions – ohContinue Reading