Date: Thu, 11 Dec 2008 01:21:18 -0500
From: Mark Stinson
Subject: Angels progress
Chasing down Angels after Midnight
I’m up listening to the rain come down whilst chasing down some of the Christmas Angels that responded to my post . Overlook me if I ramble on or misspell because I’m physically and mentally a bit drained tonight but I needed to get this post on . Below is a list of items the children or their moms need . If you have any of the items or want to send a gift card to them directly or through one of Angels that’s fine too .
Items for 2 year old Boy , he likes blue and Spiderman , needs learning toys , clothing has been provided
4 year old boy , needs learning toys , likes things he can ride , loves to color and draw
Infant 0 to 6 months baby girl , baby swing , clothing , diapers , gift card for formula , baby monitor , crib , the mother has almost nothing so any thing for infant care can be used .
Disabled couple has an 89 Nissan Stanza that is in sad shape . I have effected all the repairs I can and it is dying . It needs an engine . They are both on disability and cant buy a car . They cant afford to pay to fix this one . I either need an engine or a car , any help would be greatly appreciated .
I have met a young man with cerebral palsy who is learning about computers . He graced my shop hopping in and fixing every dead computer in the place . He is self taught and I would like to find him some computers to play with . He is trying to make a few dollars here and there with his computer skills .I gladly gave him my stash of leftover parts after he fixed the laptop , my best friends computer and the irritating glitch in this one . I’m fair to decent with computers but he’s just plain good His girlfriend responded to one of my freecycle adds . She came to get clothing to give to a needy family . She can hardly walk with a disorder I cant pronounce . Again ,, those that are the least able to help are helping again this year . It gives me great joy to see people still care .
Goodnite Mark