Ancient Cemetery Work Day

Date: Sun, 8 Feb 2009 19:54:51 -0500 (EST)
From: Linda Allred Cooper
Subject: Ancient Cemetery Work Day

Come join us for a Work Day in the ancient Allred-Trogdon Cemetery (aka Billy Trogdon Cemetery)located in Randolph County (Chatham’s neighbor).

Saturday, February 28th, 10am.  Email for directions.  You can drive right up to it.

This in one of the oldest cemeteries in the county – maybe THE oldest and contains over 200 graves (estimated), some dating back to the late 1700’s.  It is located on land originally owned by William Trogdon (died 1805) near Cedar Falls.  Many original Randolph County settlers are buried in this cemetery.  Family names include Trogdon, Allred, Feree/Free, York, Diffee, Swafford, Swaim, Hammer, Julian, Odell, and more.

This will be a great opportunity for those interested in learning about ancient cemeteries and tombstones, how to work in them and preserve them.

Plan on being at the cemetery at 10am Saturday, February 28th.  Of course – if the weather is nasty (snowing, raining, super cold) we will reschedule.  Wear appropriate clothing and bring whatever tools / equipment you think might be needed.  Pitchforks or something to poke around with, shovels, brushes / cloths to remove dirt from the stones, water for washing the stones, gloves, chalk and shaving cream for “reading” the stones, cameras, paper & pencils for notes, etc.

Also bring your own lunch and drink to enjoy at the picnic table.  Each person responsible for his/her own.  NO BATHROOMS!  If Nature Calls, you’ll have to find a tree or drive back to town.

Those who can’t do physical work are needed to supervise and write down info – so don’t let those aches and pains keep you at home.  If you can sit at home – you can sit in the cemetery and help by pointing and supervising and writing notes.  There are two wooden picnic tables and some concrete benches but we suggest bringing your own chairs incase there is a crowd.

For more information and/or directions, contact Linda Allred Cooper at

Photos of the cemetery are on the AFO web site at