Osprey Marketing Business Introduction

Date: Fri, 5 Dec 2008 16:20:30 EST
From: Mary Bastin
Subject: Business Introduction

Business Introduction

Osprey Marketing/Advertising is a Chatham company  made up of experienced and very talented individuals who want to help you  get and keep customers and clients for your business.  We are committed to  your success.

We don’t do advertising just to follow what everyone  else is doing.  We sit down with you, decide who you need to call you or  come in your door. Every business has special people who are more likely  to be attracted to what they offer.  Together we will decide the best way  to reach those individuals. We want you to pay attention to what works for  you. Your success is what we care about most.

Whatever you need for your business, we either  provide it or find someone who can.  We have an experienced marketing  advisor, graphics designer, photographer, writer, web master and office  organizer.

We produce beautiful ads and advise  you where to place them for maximum return.  We do websites, brochures,  direct mail pieces and mailing, special events, promotions and much, much  more.

We work with businesses and  non-profits.  An introductory meeting to discuss how we can deliver the  success you want for your business or organization is free of charge.

Please call or contact  Mary Bastin at Osprey Marketing/Advertising at (919) 548-3863 or _bastinm@aol.com_ (mailto:bastinm@aol.com) .    P O  Box 402, Goldston, NC 27252