LBD & Big Boxes

Date: Thu, 4 Dec 2008 15:40:21 -0500
From: leela ellis
Subject: LBD & Big Boxes

Hi All,
For a bunch of years I (Leela) was employed at one of our local “big-box” grocery stores.  I echo Julia Kennedy’s experience when she states: “Food is often destroyed when it’s “freshness” time expires (we’re talking a couple of hours here, not days), not offered to local food shelters or even to their own employees.

The waste is shocking and extensive. Many do not recycle adding to our already overburdened landfills. Merchandise left over from last chance and Holiday sales is written off and destroyed. Much of this would be welcomed by Habitat stores or area shelters. And just because they send out a corporate pledge to make you feel better doesn’t mean they are following through behind the scenes. It costs them money to recycle food and merchandise.
This left-wing kook would prefer smart growth powered by incentives to locally owned restaurants and businesses which would further enrich (in numerous ways) our community and not encourage these soul sucking monuments to greed and commercialism.”