I am flabbergasket and dumbfunded that Gary Phillips agrees with me

Date: Thu, 4 Dec 2008 18:21:06 EST
From: Ed Williams
Subject: Liquor by the drink

I am completely flabbergasket and dumbfunded that Gary Phillips agrees with me on something. (Gary, the Mohito sounds good – I’ve never tried it, but plan to, soon.) But Jonathan is still out there somewhere, driving along Old 87 and moaning about the big developments, big houses and golf courses, which are damaging our county. BTW, I apologized privately to Jonathan for including him among our collection of left wing kooks based only on his views on this subject.

He asks (see below) what we are giving up for the new tax revenues (when new restaurants come in, attracted by legalization of real drinks). I say that, if he (or anybody) thinks/feels we are “giving up” something, he should tell us what that is rather than asking us to speculate. Also he should tell us what he means by asking if “the development” (meaning a new restaurant?) can be done “responsibly”. Let’s not throw around unfounded ideological assumptions.

Ed Williams