Chatham County Leads Group

Date: Thu, 04 Dec 2008 15:31:32 +0000
From: Donna Bianco
Subject: Business Introduction Chatham County Leads Group

In reading about all the wonderful small businesses here in Chatham County I really want you all to consider coming to our Chatham County Leads Group meeting which is held EVERY Tuesday morning from 8 a.m. – 9:15 a.m.

People who own their own businesses come together, have breakfast provided by Our Neighborhood School (Best eggs in the world, they say) and we all meet and introduce ourselves, give a 30 second infomercial and get to hear a 10 minute presentation from one of our members. You only have to attend 3 meetings in order to be able to give a presentation. The first meeting is free and the weekly fee is $4 which includes breakfast and you can enter our business card drawing for $1. Bring business cards (at least 11 of them) 10 to put in our business card book and 1 for the drawing. Also bring a door prize from your business if you would like. We have great prizes every week ranging from ads in the Town and Country Trader to free food at Our Neighborhood School, to samples from all kinds of businesses in town.

There is a lot of laughter, great food, and we are a dedicated group who supports each other. If someone asks me about insurance, a florist, Mary Kay Cosmetics, health/dietary products, chiropractors, bookkeepers, spa services, workout places, eating establishments, I recommend a Leads Group member.

So, come join us at:
Our Neighborhood School, In the Blue Room
87 Thompson Street (Near Clapps Laundry and behind Elizabeth’s Pizzeria) Just look for the Big Pencil

From 8 – 9:15
Donna Bianco
Our Neighborhood School
87 Thompson Street
Pittsboro, NC 27312
919-545-0900 Pizza
919-545-0920 School
919-601-6718 Cell