Computer classes (and a Linux User’s Group?)

Date: Wed, 03 Dec 2008 19:14:36 -0500
From: Jody@Tritech
Subject: Computer classes (and a Linux User’s Group?)

Greetings Chatham County,

We here at Tritech Computer Solutions have been receiving inquiries from customers about the possibility of us offering classes on general computer-related topics.  Because we’ve had enough customers make such requests, I’m currently attempting to evaluate how much interest there actually would be in such classes, should we decide to offer them.  We
certainly have the room in the shop to do it, as well as the know-how and customer training experience to pull it off, but I don’t want to go to the trouble of planning classes and setting up a small lab area if it’s going to go largely unused.

So, Chatham, I’d like to get your opinion.  Even if you wouldn’t be personally interested in classes, what are your thoughts?  Feel free to E-mail your opinions, ideas, or expressions of interest to, preferably with the subject line “Chatlist computer class response” so I don’t get it mixed up with the other business E-mails I sift through (and so my mail filters can move it to a separate folder automagically!)

While I have your attention, someone peeked in and suggested I start a Chatham County Linux User’s Group.  If you know what I’m talking about and it interests you, feel free to respond to with your thoughts.

We’re enjoying running a Chatham business very, very much, and we love the people that walk in our doors.  I sleep well at night knowing I’ve helped people out and done some good with my life during the day, and I’m sure my staff feel the same way.  Thanks to everyone for making all of us feel welcome here!

One final note:  someone on the Chatlist needed a replacement for their Windows 2000 CD with SP4.  It’s still waiting for you, if you need it–just be sure to bring something to prove you have a legal license for it and it’s yours.

Thanks in advance!