Volunteer opportunities with the Town of Pittsboro

Date: Tue, 25 Nov 2008 16:32:00 -0500
From: Paul Horne
Subject: Pittsboro Volunteer Opportunities

Volunteer opportunities with the Town of Pittsboro

Have an interest in Gardening?  The Town of Pittsboro would love to form or work with existing area Garden Clubs to help us enliven our public spaces including the Community House, Town Lake Park, the Town Hall and our Water Treatment Plant.  The Kiwanis Playground has recently benefited from a town – volunteer partnership to place flower beds and perennial plantings in the park.  We’d love to expand this success to other facilities as well.

This is a perfect way to connect with fellow gardeners, get some great exercise, and build civic pride while beautifying our community.  Garden club members will have the first opportunities to participate in plant
rescues, add variety to their gardens through plant exchanges and have the pleasure of knowing that they’ve brought smiles to many through their plantings.

Please contact Pittsboro’s Parks and Recreation Planner Paul Horne at phhorne@nc.rr.com or 542-4621 ext 62, for more information on how to get involved.

Greenway assessments:  The town has created a simple pocket sized assessment form to help us gauge where we can make improvements to our sewer easements to aid pedestrian and bicycle traffic.  If you’re already making use of these easements please let us know where we can add a bridge or steps, fill in a low spot, add a bench etc., to make your trip a little easier, safer and more enjoyable.  To obtain forms stop by the town hall or contact Paul Horne at phhore@nc.rr.com  to request a digital version that you can print

Paul H. Horne
Parks & Recreation Planner
Town of Pittsboro
P.O. Box 759 – 635 East Street
Pittsboro, NC 27312
(919) 542-4621 ext. 62
