Date: Wed, 12 Nov 2008 08:14:21 -0500
From: Tami Schwerin
Subject: Christmas Parade

The Pittsboro Christmas parade is December 7th @ 3;00pm. (begins at Food Lion on hwy 64)

The Abundance Foundation has a role in coordinating some of the media/floats, puppets, etc…
If you are interested in entering a float, please download a form and send to Alice @ The Town of Pittsboro:

To download the application, go to:

***If you are interested in joining the Paperhand Puppets and carrying those beautiful puppets, let me know.

If you’d like to send information about your float/organization….we will be putting up a webpage on our site for people to check out.

The City Tap will be having Barron von Rumblebuss after the Parade…..the town will be bustling with activity that day….. it’s always a great time!!

Tami Schwerin
local food~renewable energy~community
