Date: Mon, 4 Aug 2008 20:18:49 -0400
From: Gene Galin
Subject: Don’t forget to vote in the “Best of Chatham” Survey
There have been a LOT of recommendations about different services on this bulletin board the last several weeks. Don’t forget to stop by and vote online for the Best of Chatham at
We already have 151 votes. Thanks for all who voted and for those of you about to vote.
1. Best local antique store
2. Best local bed and breakfast
3. Best local thrift shop
4. Best local day spa
5. Best hair stylist/salon for women
6. Best hair stylist/salon for men
7. Best local hardware store
8. Best place to hear music locally
9. Best place to see local art
10. Best local pottery studio/store
11. Best local yoga instructor
12. Best local handyman
13. Best local landscaper
14. Best local plumber
15. Best local Heating and Air Conditioning specialist
16. Best local window washer
17. Best local grading service
18. Best local doctor
19. Best local dentist
20. Best local pharmacy
21. Best local chiropractor
22. Best local veterinarian
23. Best local place to board your pet
24. Best local new car dealership
25. Best local used car dealership
26. Best auto mechanic
27. Best local auto parts store
28. Best local ATM
29. Best place to bank locally
30. Best local bank teller (remember to include the bank & branch name)
31. Best local waiter/waitress
32. Best local attorney
33. Best local politician
34. Best county department
35. Best county employee
36. Best city employee
37. Best local law enforcement officer
38. Best local firefighter
39. Best local grocery store
40. Best local farmer’s market
41. Best local Ag Extension agent
42. Best local real estate agent
43. Best local real estate agency
44. Best local insurance agent/agency
45. Best local accountant/bookkeeping service
46. Best local restaurant
47. Best local place to enjoy a beer
48. Best local fast food
49. Best local burger
50. Best local fries
51. Best local pizza
52. Best local biscuit
53. Best local coffee
54. Best local ethnic food
55. Best super cheap meal
56. Best local “breakfast club”
57. Best local teenage hangout spot
58. Best local running spot
59. Best local bicycling route
60. Best local golf course
61. Best local high school sport
62. Best local high school teacher (please include school name)
63. Best local school principal
64. Best local Sunday morning sermon
65. Best place to watch people
66. Best local place to go on first date
67. Best local childcare provider/center
68. Best local festival/fair
69. Best local florist
70. Best local plant nursery
71. Best local gas station
72. Best local dry cleaner
73. Best local housekeeper/housekeeping service
74. Best local house painter
75. Best local exterminator
76. Best local computer maintenance or repair
77. Best local electrician
78. Best local shopping experience
79. Best local wireless cell phone service
80. Best local web site
81. If you wish, you can add any comments you would like about any or all of the choices you made. Feel free to tell us why you made the choices you did.