You need to complain to management

Date: Tue, 22 Jul 2008 12:33:29 -0400 (GMT-04:00)
From: Jenn
Subject: re CHT

In response to the chatlist about CHT:

You need to complain to management that is what they are there for. If you don’t, a lot of time the employees are not going to get themselves in trouble by telling their manager. One call to the manager is all it takes. I have never gone there and don’t plan to from all of the bad stuff I have heard but I think that everyone needs to put in their complaints to him.

I have been a manager and you have alot of responsibilities you can’t know everything that is going on every minute of every day. Trust me if I don’t like something I go straight to management where ever it is that I had a problem.

“Steve Taylor wrote in and asked that people with complaints contact him. Why should customers always have to go to management? If the employees can’t handle the job, perhaps new training or new employees are needed.”
