Women’s Lacrosse

Date: Tue, 22 Jul 2008 11:08:58 -0400
From: Maclyn
Subject: Women’s Lacrosse

My niece is a Southern girl, raised in Raleigh, and plays Lacrosse for Broughton High School.  She is by no means a star on the team, but she absolutely loves it.  I mean LOVES it.  She had never played growing up, but really took to it.

There are quite a few schools in Wake County that offer this sport for young women.  And even more offer it for young men in Wake and Durham counties.

The children in my family are long gone, but it seems to me that the more sports choices offered, the better the likelihood of students finding something that they can enjoy.

My only question is why do the boys always come first, and girls have to follow when it comes to sports?

Maclyn Gavin
