Date: Wed, 16 Jul 2008 09:59:58 EDT
From: Greg Jones
Subject: merchant update 7-16
thanks gene…an amazing response from the chatters…several direct e-mails and a ton of posts!
situation resolved, the manager of the tire store called me Monday morning explaining the credit for my alignment charge had been posted and indeed it was, so money back, all is well.
In defense of that store, I had a tire failure on my work van, a one ton american made full size truck, and they had me back on the road within hours at a reasonable price. No problems there, my car however is another matter, a european, front wheel drive, turbo charged, 30 mpg sports sedan.
I should know better than to not take it to Tioga’s for all repairs. Noah at stellar alignment, behind Tioga’s actually did the repair work on my car, under estimate for both time and cost..for our readers out there let me recommend them..noah @ stellar alignment..919-636-5705 and tioga @ automotive solutions…919-933-3884…tioga specializes in european autos.
bottom line, caveat emptor…let the buyer beware..informed choices make for satisfying experiences…thanks for the chatlist gene, it’s gratifying the response and support afforded by the community. Taken as a whole, it behooves all, I think, to not judge any merchant by any one experience, we’re all bozos on this bus, and mistakes are human, forgiveness is Divine, yes?…….thanks and peace