LTT and the Real Estate Industry

Date: Tue, 24 Jun 2008 14:23:48 -0400
From: Karen Crowell
Subject: LTT and the Real Estate Industry

“the Land Transfer Tax was not defeated because of money spent by the Real Estate Industry or developers.  It was defeated because NC citizens overwhelmingly voted it down everywhere it was voted on.
A.  It was/is a bad idea, and B. people are fed up with the Left always wanting to tax them as their solution to problems.   You may debate A. but not B.”

Okay, so why DID the real estate industry spend all that money?  Because they like to?  No, it was because it was in their best interest.  Big businesses don’t get to vote in elections, but they sure like to have a say in the outcome.  And you know what?  What’s in THEIR best interest is NOT always in YOUR best interest.  Next time make sure you know the difference.

By the way, the Left are people, too.  They have to pay taxes and they’re not just making “the people” pay them.

Karen Crowell
Chatham resident and taxpayer
