Pittsboro General Store Cafe too noisy

Date: Sat, 21 Jun 2008 20:15:33 -0400
From: Darryl
Subject: Re: Noisy business

Pittsboro General Store CafeI have always been, and still do, promote the General Store Cafe as great place in Pittsboro. Unfortunately, GSC cannot decide if it is to be a dining location or a loud music showcase. This becomes a definite problem when a party of 10 has to leave the dining room and go outside in order to be able to hear the adjacent person speak, as happened to me recently.

It is mind-boggling that amplification beyond the pale is de rigueur. I emailed the website feedback link
and no one ever responded. Evidently, they don’t care enough to even acknowledge a perceived problem. That bodes ill times to come, I fear. Hopefully, someone there will think through solutions to this problem before it is too late. I wish GSC the best of future success.

