Pool in Pittsboro could serve Chatham county

Date: Thu, 19 Jun 2008 11:42:30 -0400
From: Joy Hewett
Subject: swimming

swimming pool

The idea of a pool in  Pittsboro which could serve Chatham county is of great interest to me. It could benefit those who need exercise–children, adults, retirees, alike–and provide a way to cool off on hot summer days.

The YMCA working with county government and maybe even the community college could be a great way to pool resources for a much needed improvement to our area. (Pardon the pun).

I don’t understand why someone would mind taxes going into that area, even if he or she doesn’t like to swim. I pay taxes for public schools, but I don’t have children in them. I don’t mind, because I’m glad we benefit from people who care read and write (hopefully) and I believe education is a good thing in general. I want it available for everyone.

While all our county services are not used by me, (so far no personal fire department needs, thank goodness!) I am glad they are there. Society acts collectively to improve the condition of us all. I certainly couldn’t build a road by myself, so the use of community resources (taxes, humanpower, etc.) as a way for all of us to work together with whatever talents or gifts we have to offer, keeps the wheels of community churning, so to speak. So I may not have the muscle power to build a road, but I work, and some of my taxes go for building roads, and in that way I contribute. I think I get a lot for a little, in the grand scheme of things.

I certainly look forward to a pool where I could swim year round without driving to Chapel Hill or wherever. The high school swim team could use it. The citizens could enjoy it. The college might even be able to teach classes, or the Y teach classes, so more people could enjoy the water safely. It might even cool off a few hot heads!
