Date: Wed, 18 Jun 2008 12:54:47 -0400
From: Scott Priestley
Subject: McFat or McFit?
Except for one private comment, I have managed to stay out of the fray about the “oncoming doom” from the Golden Arches. However, this one was just too good to pass up
It’s an oft-told tale: guy eats copious McDonald’s fare—guy gets fat. Chris Coleson, a Richmond, Virginia businessman, has a different story to tell. He told his wife “I could lose weight eating anywhere.” He chose Mickey D’s. According to, he has lost 86 pounds since last December on an apple-walnut salad, snack wrap, and cheeseburger diet. His cholesterol is down, too. In recognition of his achievement, he replaced his “OLDNFAT” license plate to one which reads “MCFIT.” He’ll appear on Good Morning America later this week to ballyhoo his weight loss saga. “There have been numerous success stories like this one, where consumers elected to follow a responsible diet with adequate exercise and incorporated McDonald’s food in a very positive way,” said McDonald’s USA spokeswoman Danya Proud. Read more at
Recent Chatlist comments about Temple Grandin’s involvement with McDonald’s, the recognition of employee-owned franchises and the McDonald’s Corporation committment to the Ronald McDonald House charity for families of sick children help us understand a corporation that is a responsible global citizen.
For many years we asked for the food they serve. Now we are asking for something different and they are responding – salads, snack wraps, grilled chicken sandwiches, non-fat dairy desserts, etc. but it appears we are also asking for high-sugar, high-calorie, high-fat blended coffee drinks ala Starbuck’s!!
Maybe this is two steps forward, one step back :O
BTW – for the folks who refuse to support McDonald’s – would you support The Ronald McDonald House charity for families of sick children? This amazing organization is a non-profit organization and there are several great ways to support this organization through volunteering and fundraising (do you know we have a Ronald McDonald House nearby?).