Date: Fri, 7 Sep 2007 11:34:02 -0400 From: Eric, Sarah & Jonah Shook Subject: Small Business Owners Beware Interlopers are on the prowl in Chatham county. There is a publishing company from somewhere in Georgia, is calling small business’ to advertise with them in what they call “Southern Historical News”Continue Reading

Date: Wed, 5 Sep 2007 18:27:23 -0700 From: “Wallace Kaufman” Subject: Cahoon-Cotten Over the past 40 years observing Chatham politics I’ve heard and read volumes of hot and heavy debate, including many bitter personal assaults. That’s the nature of politics. What is exceedingly uncommon is the full admission of error,Continue Reading

Date: Sun, 2 Sep 2007 10:35:48 -0400 From: Dan Cahoon Subject: Cotten, Bryan, Brooks and maybe Walker I still don’t know Max Cotten and I don’t know anything except a name and a face for Mr. Brooks or Mr. Bryan. To those persons I send my respect and regard forContinue Reading