What happened to no child left behind

Date: Sun, 26 Aug 2007 10:32:02 -0400
From: Dan Cahoon
Subject: What happened to no child left behind

It is still there and wreaking untold damage upon our local school system. Chatham county is still under improvement according to the details of NCLB. Funds are being shifted and manipulated by bad legislation pushed through by a negligent and corrupt congress.

You can request a waiver for your son to attend his preferred school. It sounds logical for you to have your son at a convenient location. Unfortunately, our school system is bound by residency policies that determine your child’s school. Space is limited in some schools and the administration is just trying to make room for those who live in the school district.

I can remember walking to a school outside of my district because the system would not provide busing. My own children are denied busing to a school less than 5 miles away, yet they attend. I know your situation is different. I hope your son is able to do those things he had hoped for. Please encourage him to hang on. Too many young people get discouraged and turned off of school because they are not happy there.

The silver lining here is that Siler City needs your son. Matthews needs your son’s talent on their football team, in their classes and as part of that community. He can be a real asset to that community. Hope it all works out.

Remember, the squeaky wheel gets the grease.