Pittsboro Place propaganda

Date: Sun, 26 Aug 2007 16:16:44 EDT
From: Ed Williams
Subject: Pittsboro Place

Jim Nitsch says he didn’t write the “info” (propaganda) about Pittsboro Place which he posted. I understand organizations are not allowed to post their leaflets on the Chatlist, so accommodating people like Jim do it for them. This one was written by Chatham Coalition and then parroted by their comrades, Chatham Citizens for Effective Communities

I have no strong views one way or another about Pittsboro Place, or the bad effects that some people assume it will have on the town. (Wasn’t Pittsboro going to be “destroyed” by building the 64 by-pass around it?) However, I believe very little, if any, of what those two organizations say since their ideology is very different from mine and has much less regard for such antique concepts as “truth”.

Sure, Pittsboro Place would bring a lot of traffic. And it would bring a lot of jobs. But these would be only low-paying retail jobs, whereas if this land is not used by PP, it might, at some vague time in the unforeseeable future, become the home for some big industrial company that would furnish high-paying industrial jobs. So take your pick: real jobs reasonably soon, or hope-against-hope for better jobs years from now.


Date: Sun, 26 Aug 2007 17:07:21 EDT
From: Karl Earnst
Subject: Re: Chatham Chatlist #2897

I take it you are a member/supporter of CCEC, said group being the author of your ‘notice’. Why did you not acknowledge your source? If I were Ms Spina or Ms Hurly, I might be a bit aggravated that you did not give credit where due. As I am not a Pittsboro taxpayer/voter I really don’t have a dog in this hunt but the temptation is certainly real to interject myself into the debate as did his nibs, the mayor, coming to a Siler City Town board and holding up a picture of a table. A real big hit, I might say…. But I won’t.

Indeed, this issue is between the people of P’boro and their elected leaders. If you are not one of these two groups, my suggestion would be to step back, stay out of the way, and let them work it out as best they can.

Have a great day!