The dangers of placing ads for free animals

Date: Fri, 24 Aug 2007 08:45:27 EDT
From: RC
Subject: The dangers of placing ads for free animals

I am writing with regard to the “free to a good home” advertisement that appeared in the section of the chatham chat list. I normally write to individuals when I see these ads to help understand bad things that can happen to animals advertised for sale this way.

As you may be aware, animals given away for free can, and unfortunately often do, meet gruesome fates. They can end up in the hands of animal abusers like Barry Herbeck, a Wisconsin man who was convicted of torturing and killing animals he obtained through “free to a good home” ads. He confessed to taking his kids with him when responding to the ads so that people would be comfortable turning animals over to him.

People known as “bunchers,” who obtain animals illegally from random sources to sell to research facilities for profit, often acquire animals by answering “free to a good home” ads. Small animals advertised as “free to a good home” are sometimes acquired by individuals who intend to use them as bait in training other animals to fight. Gerbils, hamsters, and young kittens are often acquired to be used as snake food. I have enclosed more detailed materials about the tragedies that can befall animals given away “free to a good home.”

Animal protection organizations all over the United States work diligently to educate people about the proper procedure for placing animals and frequently assist people in finding good homes for their animals. I routinely contact individuals who place “free to a good home” advertisements to alert them to the potential perils for their animals and continuously receive appreciative calls from people who say they never knew that these dangers existed.

Our chatham chatlist could do its readers and the animals a great service, while setting a very progressive example, by printing a brief warning at the top of the pets section about giving animals away for free.


RC –

You wrote that “Our chatham chatlist could do its readers and the animals a great service, while setting a very progressive example, by printing a brief warning at the top of the pets section about giving animals away for free.”

I feel that you don’t give your fellow chatlisters enough credit. In general I find Chatamlisters to be a nice group of caring folks.

As someone who got one of my dogs through the chatlist I do appreciate the having the posts and welcome the opportunity to deal with someone I “know” on the chatlist.

If you feel it would be best to start your own pet/lost and found dogs/cats email list please feel free to do so and I will ask people to post to it. I am in not way offended if you feel that you can do a better job handling pet adoption situations.

BTW, can you sight specific statistics to back up your statement that “animals given away for free can, and unfortunately OFTEN [my emphasis] do, meet gruesome fates. ”

Gene Galin
Chatlist Moderator
